Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Complimentary Lady

12 x 16 Oil on Canvas

I completed this during an Open Studio session at night time. I have been working on painting one color spot next to another. One disadvantage I have with this is that the original drawing or block in gets a little distorted. I have been working on using a mirror and looking backwards at the painting to help my brain get a different perspective when the model starts the pose. I use the first minute to correct any problems in the drawing. then I look at the mirror and I look for value placements. I usually notice them right away with the mirror. It's funny how the human brain gets used to something and it doesn't notice these differences.

That is why it's good to join a painting group with very skilled artist so you can see how they translate something into paint. Thank you for viewing.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Shining Blue

6 x 6 Oil on Canvas

We just moved and everything went into hiatus. I felt like I have been moving things for the past 6 weeks. Things have began to settle slightly and I started up making small paintings again. I love these things!! My life is crazy so the only time I have to paint is at nighttime. I learn so much from a small painting and it's instantaneous feedback.

-Michael Williamson

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Man Reading.

12 x 16 Oil on Canvas
I made this portrait a couple of weeks ago when I had Friday off so I could attend a daytime open studio. The model kept moving to drink his coffee and read the newspaper. One of my weakpoints is painting glasses. I tried to paint as little as needed to show the form.


Lady In Red

12 x 16 Oil on Canvas

This is a painting that was made at Scottsdale Art Open studio at night. I was trying to concentrate on hitting one color patch at a time. It has a thick brush work, but I lost the drawing as I was painting.
