Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Left Out"

10 x 8 oil on canvas

I was originally setting up a study in blue and then got distracted. After painting this I realized that I could use some better cropping in my composition. I think I tried to unconsciously fit everything in. One little persimmon got left out from the gang. I liked how he is looking in trying to see if there is enough room for him to squeeze in. Thanks for looking.

Michael Williamson

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Woman Portrait

12 x 11 oil on canvas
This was a portrait painting made at an Scottsdale Art School's open studio. The ground was very absorbent so I had to be very direct with the paint. Thank for looking.

Michael Williamson

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Embrace

6 x 8 oil on canvas. Still life

These two individuals seem to be caught in the headlights while embracing. I tried to concentrate on hitting color next to color and tried to stay away from drawing form. This is very hard since I have spent a good part of my life drawing. Thank you for looking.

-Michael Williamson

Monday, November 19, 2012

Study in Green and Blue

8 x 6 oil on canvas

This was a quick study in green and blue. I usually use only a basic red, white, blue and white paint when I paint. I can usually get a wide variety with these. Unfortunately, the green made from this is fairly muted in strength. I had to use some phthalocyanine blue in order to made more vivid greens. If anybody paints they know how beautiful and dangerous this color can be. Thank for stopping by.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Trip to the Baby's Room!

A Trip to the Baby's Room 6 x 8 oil on canvas

Before the kids went to sleep last night I grabbed a few of their toys. I am new to still life painting and I love the fact that it is always new and exciting. I love drawing and painting figures, but with those it's more concentrating on the slight nuances or changes that occur within the skin. With still life it is the way different forms react with one another. Very challenging. Thank for stopping by.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Christmas Colors!

8 x 6 oil on canvas.

When I picked these objects I wasn't necessarily looking for complimentary colors. I just liked the way the deep red looked on the onion and the light shown through the glass. They remind me of two strangers in an elevator. Very little communication going on they are both standing proud. I think next time I will try and make one star shine a little brighter. Thank you for looking.

-M. Williamson

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Abstract Buddha

6 x 8 oil on canvas

I tried a slightly more complicated design for this 3 hour excursion. I tried to just place colors next to colors and not worry about the shape.

I think I could have spent 3 more hours on this easily. Thanks for stopping by to look.


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Shoe next to Blue

On this small painting I concentrated on trying to give the impression of the shoe with more abstract shapes. You never know how complex a shoe is until you try an paint it. Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Apples and Grapes

I usually stay away from more than 2 object when I am painting small paintings. I've seen other artist make some beautiful small painting with enough objects to assist the composition. Thanks for stopping by

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


This is another portrait I painted last night. I always have trouble when I find a place in the open studio and the model is neither profile or 3 quarter view.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Ink Pot

6 x 6 Oil on Canvas

This painting was very difficult to take a picture of. I think it had to do with the higher contrast in the highlight area. This is my sumi ink pot that I use for brush work. The opening is too small, so I have to pour it into another container when I want to use it. Thank you.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunrise Reflection

6 x 8 Oil on Canvas
I used a similar simple composition that I had before. I tried to get the look of fresh morning light, which is a little harder then you think being that it was 11 p.m. On my previous attempt I left too much negative space in the background. After looking at the painting I like the background better, but there is confusion on the star of the show. Too many equals. Have a great day.

-Michael Williamson